The media and LGBT community has been in an uproar after a comment made by Chick-fil-A president, Dan Cathy, about same-sex marriage. In an article written in the Los Angeles Times, recent interviews from other media agencies cited specific ideals straight from the mouth of Cathy himself.
"The College Park, Ga., chain has won both censure and praise for recent statements made by its president Dan Cathy in opposition to gay marriage. In an interview with Baptist Press, Cathy said the company was "guilty as charged" in supporting the "biblical definition of the family unit."
After reading such bold and insightful perspectives from the president of chicken, one has a perception, observation and question from not only the gay viewpoint but from a financial standpoint as well. Dan Cathy, have you lost your mind? Chick-fil-A is based in College Park, GA. Does he not realize College Park, GA. is just a suburb of Atlanta which contains the third largest gay population in the nation? There are almost as many gay people in Atlanta as there are black people and he dares to make an anti-gay comment at all. If anything, for the sake of public opinion, he should have just lied or at least as gay people say “fake it till you make it.”“We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives,” said Cathy, the son of company founder S. Truett Cathy."
There is no doubt Dan Cathy has seen the error of his actions as the company made the statement on Thursday "going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena." Don Perry, spokesman for the company, wrote an email stating “not proactively being engaged in the dialogue” which means keeping their mouth shut. One of the few bright ideas Dan Cathy had this week.
One of the last statements made by the company this week also in the L.A. Times is "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender," The only thing to address about that statement is that there is at least one black gay person that disagrees because of the treatment he received from the Chick-fil-A store at 1901 Peachtree Rd in Atlanta close to the CVS. But, you have to guess who.
Fill as many locations with drag queens as possible, NOT causing trouble, just being there....a gay sit know "We're here, we're queer, get used to it"