The gay community has been outraged with the Atlanta based company Chick-fil-A and its president, Dan Cathy. After several comments made in an article published by the Baptist Press opposing gay marriage on Monday, the outcry of dissatisfaction from the LGBT community has now turned into a battle-cry for war. The smell of a revolution is in the air and united gay voices are screaming boycott.
This year has given way to a tremendous change of heart towards the gay community with same-sex marriage piloting the transformation. So many people from different corners of the nation have supported the gay movement from the President in the White House to actors in Hollywood. Atlanta, containing the third largest population of gay residents in the nation, is still in disbelief that Dan Cathy did not share in the country’s support for gay rights since his company has existed in the backyard of the city’s gay population.
The question now is what should the LGBT community do next? The talk of a boycott has more than just been mentioned as the Huffington Post, Gay Voices, sent a tweet that asked “Can we talk? How r u handling Chick-Fil-A being so openly anti-gay? Have u decided to boycott? Is taking ur business elsewhere the answer?”
The responses are overwhelming. Here are some of the answers received by the @huffpostgay on twitter.
@averagewerewolf: I’ve been boycotting Chick-Fil-A since I first found out about this mess a year ago.
@ScottMontroy: I haven't eaten at ChickFilA in years. I am glad the public is finally learning what many of us have known for years.
@OneWritersSoul: Our family is boycotting and the money is going to @HRC and to@BarackObama - of course, we're also adding extra funds to both
@ilovepop91: There's a Chick-Fil-A on my campus, which is LGBT-friendly. Planning a boycott here.
@justinplatt: I'm boycotting chicfila completely. What they are doing is preaching hate.

Well whatever happens, you better believe the LGBT community is going to commit to an action and in true fashion with fabulous style, there will be consequences and repercussions.
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