This multi-talented sister's artwork has been featured in such magazines as Curve and displayed at the Butch Voice Conference. C.D. Kirven is the creator of a black lesbian superhero comic book titled "The Tao Diaries" and she also perform as a drag king under the suave Jamie Fauxx all over the country to raise money for so many organizations that she supports. Kirven is also a leader in the organization "Get Equal" which has recently shown their community spirit by a holding fundraiser on to gather money to pay a cash reward for any information leading to the capture of the animal that shot the young lesbian couple in Texas.
I mean this sister is truly on point. I have seen her work here and there for a little while now but she is a force in the gay community that cares. The articles that I write deal with true unification of all factions of the LGBT community. C.D.Kirven embody the concept that unity is a must. You cannot solve any problems without it.
This will be my second major interview with Examiner so wish me luck.Also check out the Illiterate Tripe to see more of her artwork and the poem she created for the candlelight vigil in TX for Mollie Olign, our young gay sister that lost her life in this tragic event.
And I don't call Mollie Olgin my sister because she was black. I call her my sister because she was gay.

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